What does the UK Government know that we don't? By the sound of it, they are not expecting an end to the Gaza genocide any time soon. Mercifully, the young seem instinctively more against the continuing slaughter of the Palestinian innocents than older generations - who presumably have already been thoroughly indoctrinated into automatically taking the Israelis' side.

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The UK government along with the US have played and continue to play an integral part in creating, continuing and enabling the horrific ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.

I am certainly relieved to hear that "the young seem instinctively more against the continuing slaughter of the Palestinian innocents than older generations."

Thankfully there are some people in older generations who have not been indoctrinated into automatically taking the Israelis' side here in the UK. I for one have been gently working on the other ones who believe the propaganda by gently inserting little nuggets of truth when windows of opportunity open in conversation.

Thank you Michael for your comment.

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Keep up the good work. I'm (hopefully) old enough and wise enough to feel I am on the right side of history in opposing the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from Gaza. I'm also delighted to see that the younger generations at the forefront of the global demonstrations against the continuingf carnage and the West's role in supporting the bloodshed with funding and weapons. The young, after all, are our future - and I happen to have five children and two grandchildren (so far).

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Thank you Michael. The young are indeed our future. With the younger generations involved with and leading many of the worldwide demonstrations against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in their homeland, there is thankfully hope for the future. 🙏

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"What does the UK Government know that we don't?" - It is not about what they know but who they obey.

The independent City of London is a Zionist enclave which obeys a Black Nobility international crime syndicate. It has two goals in Gaza.

1) The creation of an alternative to the Suez canal. If Gaza can be cleared of residents it will cease to exist as a home for anyone. It will become the greatest port and earner for Israel.

2) Immediately off Gaza's coastline is a vast gas field which will be exploited by Israel to provide another earner for Israel.

It is obscene.

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Thank you for this. The UK is clearly in full fascism

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Thank you Aya for your comment. The UK sadly, most certainly does appear to be purposefully in full fascism mode. This became pretty obvious during "covid."

I am going to post about this interview with Jacqui Devoy later today, along with a few other not good things that are happening in the UK: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/jacqui-deevoy-warns-of-uk-democide

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Like they say, follow the money. But could there be a deeper agenda at play here?


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