The more information that trickles down regarding these plans, the more I and many many others feel both utterly nauseated and horrified... How did we not realise that we are sharing a planet with these totally amoral vicious monsters? And even more important, how can they be stopped from fulfilling their obscene fantasies?

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I am in complete agreement with you and feel the same way. As there is a sensation of "time" speeding up it seems that more and more aspects of this reality which have been hidden for far too long are being revealed.

Staying calm and sharing information with people enabling them to wake-up to what is actually going on is one of our best defenses. We must also refrain from buying into their technocratic agenda, especially by not using AI which will literally help to train their Beast system of propaganda and control.

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We think the potemkin village plastic slipcover honeymoon with the demon possessed Satan cult Jewish trump admin ,is soon to incrementally turn to open..vile..stalinistic horror..this is not a pathetic repeat of 2016..it is far worse ..insidious..glowering..the reprobate zeitgeist of Noahide law. decapitation of Christian Americans not down with the jewdeviltry of the trumprat plan ......though we are often sympathetic to the goals of his trumptard base ..we see in glaring clarity the many possible horrors of the kushner chabad Jew -satan-cult-trumprat. plan ..the whorehouse .casino for Jewish mobbrats built on the blood of innocent Palestinian Christians .Palestinian Muslims .and unsurprisingly...Palestinian Jews who just so happened to be born in the world's largest open air concentration camp on the planet ..run for 80 years by isreal and satanic Jews..."so much for being chosenites*..perhaps...THE JEWS were chosen..... to show the world What Not To Do*.....Rearm Now**

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One question here.

WHO are the people who provide service to the multi-billionaires? IF the Palestinians are killed are they going to import the MAGA crowd to service these Casinos?

Time to take out these people!

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