I cannot recommend highly enough reading the following analysis and commentary by T. Foy as published by The Postil Magazine.
He confirms the messianic Chabad-Lubavitch extremist ideology of Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka, the daughter of Trump, that are driving Trump and the Kushners’ sinister designs to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their historic homeland in order to construct their own NEOMesque project.
Trump’s Final Solution for Gaza
By T. Foy / March 1, 2025
President Donald Trump wants to go down in history as having solved Israel’s “Palestinian Problem,” or the “Palestinian Question,” by ethnically cleansing all of Gaza of Palestinians (and likely then the West Bank). He believes that transporting over 2 million people is an easy job, and he can take care of it. Then, he wants to “own” Gaza and build into a “Las Vegas” of the Middle East. He says Gaza has been “unlucky” for the Palestinians, and he will give them better “luck” by mass deporting them. The Gaza that he will build will be an international resort, to which all the world can come, but just not Gazans, who will have no right of return.
We shall leave aside the obvious flaws in Trump’s reasoning—that he assumes Israel “owns” Gaza, when Israel is internationally recognized as an illegal occupier of Gaza; that he assumes he can just go and possess Gaza; that he can simply transport out the Gazans without a hitch; that he never once mentions whether the Gazans themselves even agree with his crazy scheme.
So goes Trump’s “golden age” for the Palestinians—ethnic cleansing packaged as Trumpian beneficence. The unstated ambition is that of going down in history as a “great man,” whose like shall not be seen again, etc.
Once we get past the outrage, it is important to ask the more necessary question—why is Trump unveiling his “plan” now? The answer leads to a network of big money and grand ambition that is ready to ride roughshod over suffering humanity.
First, it is important to point out that Trump’s Final Solution for Gazans is not something that he suddenly dreamt up. The demand to erase Palestinians from Palestine lies at the very founding of the state of Israel, with the Zionist “Plan D” of March 1948, which detailed the removal of the indigenous Arab population of Palestine, and their replacement, by way of mass migration, with European Jews (and later Jews from elsewhere). The best way to do this was through war and terrorism. Plan D became the blueprint for how the Israeli army was to behave henceforth in its dealings with the native Arabs. Plan D also became the mindset of large portions of the Israeli population (but, of course, not all).
Plan D, in turn, was enabled by the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which first laid out the idea that the historical region of Palestine was the historical “national home” of the Jewish people—and not of the Palestinians. In 1917, many of Britain’s leaders, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George and Arthur Balfour himself, were deeply religious Christian Zionists. They believed that modern Zionism would fulfill a divine promise by re-settling modern-day Jews in Palestine; for these British Christian Zionists, modern-day Jews were direct descendants of the Jews mentioned in the Old Testament, and so they were doing pious work by populating Palestine with Jews.
Needless to say, the result has been an artificial entity, or state, called “Israel,” which is the imposition of ideology (Zionism) upon geography. How the Old Testament came to justify the annihilation of an indigenous population in Palestine, by European Jews, is a convoluted story, best left for another day.
The result of Plan D was what is now known as the “Nakba,” or the “Catastrophe,” that is, the mass expulsion, dispossession and wholesale murder of Palestinians. In this process, 500 Arab villages were systematically emptied of all Palestinians; Jewish terrorist groups (Irgun and Haganah) undertook mass slaughter of Palestinians; entire villages were leveled by bombs and fires. Places where the Palestinians were densely located were especially targeted for destruction.
Plan D was the blueprint for the horrors being committed by the Israeli army in Gaza that we see on social media.
So, getting rid of Palestinians from Palestine is the default position of Israel, and therefore it is the default position of Trump.
And it comes as no surprise that the vast majority (82 percent) of the Israeli population favors ethnically cleansing Gaza and the West Bank—they want no Palestinians inside Israel. There is a visceral hatred of Palestinians among the majority of Israelis (not all, of course). And what Trump has now announced is simply his own version of Plan D—a “Plan Trump,” or “Plan T,” as it were. The Zionists are understandably ecstatic.
Knowing that this takeover of Gaza will not happen without endless cruelty and much bloodshed, Trump has allowed the shipping of MOABs to Israel, something not done by any other American president. As a reminder, “MOAB” stands for the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), colloquially known as the “Mother of All Bombs,” which is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the United States military arsenal. Each MOAB weighs 21,600-pounds.
When transportation of the Gazans will become impossible, Trump will expect his MOABS to do the job. One way or another, he wants Gaza to be empty of Palestinians—and then all of the West Bank.
Cruelty and inhumanity against Palestinians are the jet-fuel of his grand plan. He is the immaculate dealmaker, no matter who must get destroyed along the way.
Those who surround Trump support this ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The most important among these is his son in law, Jared Kushner. In a lengthy video interview, Kushner stated his position clearly:
…recognizing a Palestinian state would essentially be rewarding an act of terror that was perpetrated to Israel. So, it’s a super bad idea in that regard. If I was Israel is, I would try to say, number one, you want to get as many civilians out of Rafah as possible. I think that you want to try to clear that out. I know that with diplomacy, maybe you get them into Egypt. I know that that’s been refused. But with the right diplomacy, I think it would be possible. But in addition to that, the thing that I would try to do if I was Israel right now is I would just bulldoze something in the Negev. I would try to move people in there. I know that won’t be the popular thing to do, but I think that that’s a better option to do so you can go in and finish the job… Gaza’s waterfront property, it could be very valuable too, if people would focus on building up livelihoods. You think about all the money that’s gone into this tunnel network and into all the munitions. If that would’ve gone into education or innovation, what could have been done. So, I think that it’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there but I think from Israel’s perspective, I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up.
For the record, Kushner and wife Ivanka are devout Chabad-Lubavitch Jews. The Chabad-Lubavitch cult is an extremist and highly influential Hasidic sect, with roots in the Kabbalah. The foundational text of this cult is the Tanya, written by their “messiah,” Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. The Tanya is a Jewish supremacist text, which teaches that Jews have superior souls, while those of non-Jews are animal souls. Therefore, non-Jews are to be treated as animals. To be fair, there is disagreement about this part of the Tanya among other sects of the Chabad movement. However, for the Lubavitch cult, to which Kushner and Ivanka belong, this teaching is never refuted. The Tanya is widely distributed in the Israeli armed forces, because there is a huge demand for it. The practice of calling Palestinians “animals” is deeply rooted in Israeli society.
More importantly, the rabbi of Mr. and Mrs. Kushner is one Levi Shemtov, who is known as the “rabbi of Capitol Hill,” who oversees the koshering of the White House. Shemtov is an ardent Zionist, who believes that Israel is the historical land of modern-day Jews, given to them by their god, and there is nothing that Palestinians can do about it other than accept this “act” of providence.
The Lubavitch cult is also deeply linked to the “Greater Israel” project, an expansionist vision seeking to extend Israel’s borders beyond its current territories, for it rejects peace agreements with Palestinians that involve concessions of land. Lubavitch members work actively to expand settlements on Palestinian land. And it believes in strengthening Israel as a refuge for Jews and thus ensuring its security.
Therefore, Kushner is hardly an impartial observer when it comes to Israel—he is deeply connected to the life, preservation and well-being of Israel—that is, as a religious and moral requirement. For example, in 2017, he and the Mrs. got a special dispensation from an anonymous rabbi to fly on the sabbath to Saudi Arabia, when he was part of Trump’s first administration (something that would not happen normally).
Here, it is also important to mention that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an old family friend of the Kushners and knows Jared’s father (Charles) well. Netanyahu has known Jared for a long time. Charles is an unsavory character who was convicted and jailed for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign donations. But Charles is an ardent supporter of Israel. Trump pardoned him in 2020.
Netanyahu helped Kushner when the latter became Trump’s senior advisor, a position for which he had no qualifications, let alone merit, for the job.
But Kushner’s trip to Saudi Arabia is key to our discussion, because he is the bosom buddy of the Crown Prince, prime minister and de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman al Saud, commonly known as MBS.
Kushner and MBS immediately connected over a lunch in the State Dining Room of the White House, in 2017, and the friendship immediately blossomed, with frequent phone calls, text messages and meetings. Kushner became MBS’s biggest supporter in the White House, calling him “forward thinking” and the key to achieving American (i.e., Israeli) policy in the Middle East. When MBS was fingered in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, Kushner energetically defended him, so that MBS was given immunity because he was the prime minister of Saudi Arabia.
This friendship was very lucrative for Kushner. After leaving the White House, Kushner set up a global investment firm, called Affinity Partners, into which MBS “invested” $2 billion; other Arab investors also contributed, although not as much (both Qatar and the United Arab Emirates put in $1.5 billion each, as well as undisclosed amounts from Terry Gou, the Taiwanese billionaire, and an unnamed, mystery funder). There are no American investors. Kushner has been “slow” in investing this money (the only known four investments are in two Israel and two dubious ones in Serbia and Albania). More importantly, Affinity Partners has not generated any return on investment and has not distributed any earnings to its clients, while Kushner himself has pocketed $187 million ($87 million from Saudi Arabia alone).
This can only mean that Affinity’s investors may be using the firm as an avenue to funnel foreign government funds to the Trump family. The terms of Affinity’s agreements with foreign clients are set to expire in August 2026, which gives foreign governments leverage over the Trump family, now that Trump has been elected to a second term.
As well, because 100 percent of Affinity’s outside capital and streams of income come from foreign sources, this could mean that Affinity’s private investment funds are being exploited by former U.S. government officials (Jared and Ivanka) as a loophole to receive compensation from foreign governments, without disclosing these payments under FARA. In other words, influence buying by foreign governments, especially now that Trump is again president.
This is where things get interesting in regards to Gaza.
Kushner has the funds and political connections to potentially realize Trump’s grand plan. Therefore, it is not surprising that Trump intends to offer Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates Gazan waterfront property rights in exchange for funding the forced displacement of Palestinians as well as Gaza’s reconstruction. So, all that “outrage” from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, when Trump let the cat out of the bag about Gaza, is feigned—they have been funding Affinity Partners precisely for this outcome, it would appear.
In fact, displacing indigenous people in order to build a futurist dystopian playground is something that MBS has already done, with the much-hyped NEOM project.
Trump’s plan for Gaza is to turn it into NEOM 2.0.
“NEOM” is a portmanteau term, in which “neo” stands for “new” and “m” stands for the Arabic word for “the future” (mustaqbal). Thus, NEOM means “new future.” What kind of a future? That is another matter.
NEOM is MBS’s vanity project (which all these oil sheikdoms excel in), which he launched in 2017 (around the time he met Kushner), and it is expected to be completed by 2039.
It is Metropolis in the making.
It will be a futuristic area in northwest Saudi Arabia (the Tabuk region), which will be a model for sustainable living and work that will ensure prosperity. NEOM will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy (imagine that in an oil kingdom), where people and nature will be “prioritized.” One hesitates to ask how.
NEOM will be made up of four sectors, each with “futuristic” names:
First, there is “the Line,” a 170-kilometer-long cognitive city, designed as a vertical city, to house 1.5 million people. It will be a primary home for residents, and will have such fineries as opera houses, libraries, stadiums, and universities. The entire city will be enclosed in glass.
Next, there will be “Oxagon,” which will be NEOM’s economic and industrial “engine” that will of course drive innovation in industry and technology. It will have a “next-generation” automated and integrated port and supply chain.
The third region will be the “Trojena,” a year-round mountain destination that will offer outdoor skiing and adventure sports (can one assume that this will be sand skiing?)
Finally, there will be “Sindala,” a luxury island destination. What this is meant for, we are not told, but likely another playground for the rich and the famous. Epstein island, mayhap?
As we all know, building a utopia means the reality of a dystopia. And true to form, for the ordinary people of that part of Saudi Arabia, whose region has been forcefully taken from them in order to build NEOM, there are no dreams, only nightmares.
The Huwaitat tribe, the original inhabitants of the Tabuk region, where NEOM is now under construction, have been forcibly removed from their homes. Saudi security forces have been used to evict the Huwaiti, and lethal force was allegedly approved by MBS to achieve this ethnic cleansing. Palestinians take note.
The Huwaiti were promised fair compensation and involvement in the NEOM project, but these promises were allegedly not honored.
And those poor souls who protested and objected, they were quickly arrested and handed lengthy sentences, on charges of terrorism—the more outspoken ones were sentenced to death. Yes—death. The UN has expressed alarm over the imminent execution of these Huwaiti dissenters. Again, Palestinians please take note. MBS will never be your friend.
The laborers and workforce building this dream megapolis are Indians and Pakistanis, who are routinely maltreated and abused (a common enough occurrence in that part of the world), and who work under harsh conditions, with no regard for their safety. The utopia, as always, is being built on the blood of poor day-laborers. Many of the engineers, architects, executives, and urban planners have withdrawn from the project, because of this hostile culture; they also cite unrealistic and impossible demands from the Saudi overlords. So far, the construction of this fantasy world has killed 21,000 workers, and 100,000 have gone missing (likely also dead). Think about these two numbers. The cruelty being carried out by MBS, Kushner’s friend is mind-boggling. Can anyone even imagine that he cares about Palestinian lives?
And all that virtue-signaling about sustainability is crushed under hard reality: “The Line,” when it kicks into action will produce 1.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Of course, outside NEOM Saudi Arabia will continue to happily burn fossil fuels and expand its oil production.
Speaking of reality, NEOM has been scaled down, with officials believing that only 1.4 kilometers of the Line will be completed by 2030, and it will house a maximum of 300,000 residents, far below the initial goal of 1.5 million. MBS’s great ambition is that NEOM will host the 2029 Asian Winter Games in Trojena.
One last point—who will actually afford to live in NEOM? People like Jared and Ivanka and their mega-rich friends. That’s who. These multimillionaires will come to have “fun” in a city that stands on the land of the dispossessed Huwaiti, and cemented by the blood of 21,000 workers killed because of heartless work conditions (this number will likely be much higher when this city is finally finished) , and another 100,000 likely also dead because of cruel mistreatment.
Such is the track record of MBS, who wants to be regarded as the great visionary of the Middle East. This is the man who has paid Kushner billions.
But where did Trump get this idea of owning Gaza and making it into a “Las Vegas?” Kushner is the prime mover in this project; it is he who has always championed the idea of expelling Palestinians from their homeland. And there are two other “Kushnerites” who have influenced Trump (both Zionist Jews).
First, there is David Friedman, who was Trump’s ambassador to Israel and who has always supported Kushner on the expulsion of the Palestinians. Friedman is also a strong supporter of Israeli settlements, illegal or not, throughout Palestinian territories, which he has financed. He strongly stands against a Palestinian state, and has called for transferring $1 billion in Palestinian aid to Israel to finance the annexation of the West Bank. Heartlessness is key to being a successful Kushnerite.
There is another acquaintance of Kushner’s, one Joseph Pelzman, an economics professor at George Washington University (GWU). Back in July 2024, Trump commissioned him to write a plan to solve the “Palestinian Question.” This plan is called, An Economic Plan for Rebuilding Gaza: A BOT Approach. It is a program for genocide.
The plan proposes a complete “relocation” of Gaza’s population, followed by clearance and reconstruction “from scratch.” It is this plan that Trump is touting.
It is said that Pelzman is an “expert” in international relations and economics, and he heads the GWU Center of Excellence for the Economic Study of the Middle East and North Africa (CEESMENA). He is also considered an authority on U.S. and World Trade Organization (WTO) international trade policy and the economics of international trade law.
Pelzman’s plan envisions a rebuilt Gaza with a three-sector economy including tourism, agriculture, and high-tech industries (see NEOM above), requiring the area to be entirely vacated and excavated, with the concrete recycled (one must look after the environment, you know). Pelzman envisions modern housing units in Gaza and a successful agriculture sector using greenhouses.
Next, Trump’s plan aligns perfectly with the “Greater Israel” project, which will be backed up by Kushner’s cash, and MBS’s NEOM fantasies. For Kushnerites and the Zionists, the Palestinian people simply do not exist; and they will be treated like the Huwaiti and those dead workers on NEOM. Therefore, Trump offers two options to Palestinians: extermination or forced displacement.
Pelzman has said that under his proposal, the Gaza Strip would be “completely emptied out,” and he helpfully suggests that “the United States can lean on Egypt” to accept Palestinians permanently. Pelzman has also let the cat out of the bag, saying that Kushner “wants to put money in it” and that Kushner’s “investors” are “salivating to get in.” In other words, MBS, the UAE and Qatar are Kushnerites, who have already put in the seed capital for “Gaza-NEOM” via Affinity Partners.
It is a curious psychology of the mega-rich that despite their billions, they do not know how to satisfy their ambitions. It is no longer about money, of which they have so much that they live beyond it. Rather, it is an emotional hunger, which they do not know how to assuage.
All these people—Trump, Kushner, MBS, Musk, etc.—are desperate to leave behind monuments to themselves, monuments which will somehow glorify them for ages to come; what we common folk call being remembered by history. And they believe that they can buy this glory with their money. This is the hybris of the uber-rich—they believe that there is nothing that money cannot buy. But they demand that which their money can never give them—honor, without which all their endeavors are empty, and their ambitions will come to naught.
So, the question we began with returns: why is Trump unveiling his plan now?
The immediate response must acknowledge that he needs to deliver what his donors have paid for, namely, Miriam Adelson, an arch-Zionist, whose life-ambition is to secure Israel for all eternity. This is why Trump can only repeat Zionist slogans and talking points. He needs to fulfil his part of the bargain when he took Zionist money.
Secondly, there is reality.
Trump is around for only four years. He will not get re-elected, as Trumpism by that time will be toxic merchandise. He knows that he is an old man. This is his last kick at the can. His time is limited, and his greatest ambition remains yet unfulfilled—to go down in history as the greatest president that America ever had and will ever have. He is desperate to do great things—things that will astonish the world, and set the world clapping. He wants recognition and endless acclaim. He wants to leave behind a glorious legacy, which will astound the ages. In his mind, his money, his “art of the deal,” will deliver him this eternal legacy.
As Trump reaches for the unattainable, what he will evoke is the cries and wails of people he happily will destroy, and his cruelty will echo not as praise but as damnation down through the ages. People that he will wrong, as a result of his policies, like the Palestinians, the Iranians, the Greenlanders, the Panamanians, even the Canadians, and his own people, and others in the world, will curse his memory, as they will curse the memory of men like Kushner, MBS, the Adelsons, and so on, and their various lickspittles—all of whom collectively brought misery, death and slaughter into this world, and tried to call it “glory.” Money can perhaps bury cruelty—it can never erase it.
Perhaps it is worthwhile quoting the Talmud here, something that Kushner and his Zionist friends might know: “Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.”
And so goes Trump’s “golden age.”
Just in case you didn’t click through to watch this video which was linked in the text above, I am posting it below with a recommendation to view it.
In this report, we explore the intricate financial dealings and controversies surrounding Affinity Partners, the private equity firm founded by Jared Kushner.
We examine its connections with Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds, which raise serious ethical concerns, and potential national security threats.
What are the implications of these financial activities on politics and international relations, as it is Affinity Partners that will spearhead Trump’s plans to take control of Gaza.
The more information that trickles down regarding these plans, the more I and many many others feel both utterly nauseated and horrified... How did we not realise that we are sharing a planet with these totally amoral vicious monsters? And even more important, how can they be stopped from fulfilling their obscene fantasies?
We think the potemkin village plastic slipcover honeymoon with the demon possessed Satan cult Jewish trump admin ,is soon to incrementally turn to open..vile..stalinistic horror..this is not a pathetic repeat of 2016..it is far worse ..insidious..glowering..the reprobate zeitgeist of Noahide law. decapitation of Christian Americans not down with the jewdeviltry of the trumprat plan ......though we are often sympathetic to the goals of his trumptard base ..we see in glaring clarity the many possible horrors of the kushner chabad Jew -satan-cult-trumprat. plan ..the whorehouse .casino for Jewish mobbrats built on the blood of innocent Palestinian Christians .Palestinian Muslims .and unsurprisingly...Palestinian Jews who just so happened to be born in the world's largest open air concentration camp on the planet ..run for 80 years by isreal and satanic Jews..."so much for being chosenites*..perhaps...THE JEWS were chosen..... to show the world What Not To Do*.....Rearm Now**