British expertise and troops are paid for by Britain but working for the international crime syndicate which fosters unrest in any disobedient corner of the world. They are, effectively, running a protection racket with a clearly globalist agenda.
Thank you for your comment J.R. For the most part it seems to be that the UK is certainly not one of the "good guys." The UK government and intelligence services appear to have been involved in most of the regime change wars and operations. It was of course the imposition of the British Mandate/Sykes Picot Agreement and Balfour Agreement in tandem with the Zionist agenda that essentially created the last century of strife for Palestinians.
We all need to be aware of the role of the UK and the USA in Lebanon.
That's for sure.
Diana, do you know if and/or how the Canadian government is involved in Lebanon and Gaza?
I don't, Azra. Someone who would know is Yves Engler.
I knew nothing about the UK's presence. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you Emma for your comment.
British expertise and troops are paid for by Britain but working for the international crime syndicate which fosters unrest in any disobedient corner of the world. They are, effectively, running a protection racket with a clearly globalist agenda.
Thank you Azra. Often difficult to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys without a scorecard!
Thank you for your comment J.R. For the most part it seems to be that the UK is certainly not one of the "good guys." The UK government and intelligence services appear to have been involved in most of the regime change wars and operations. It was of course the imposition of the British Mandate/Sykes Picot Agreement and Balfour Agreement in tandem with the Zionist agenda that essentially created the last century of strife for Palestinians.