What do Volodymyr Zelensky and Hunter Biden have in common?
Will more be revealed about Hunter Biden's laptop in the days to come?
As is often the case, I happened upon the video linked below published by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on YouTube, 23 April 2019, when I was looking for something completely different. Please watch:
I then noticed the video entitled, Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoysky posted by Gonzalo Lira in the sidebar on YouTube. Please watch:
This is my transcription of the video:
Zelensky and Hunter Biden have a great deal in common and you should be aware of it. You see, Zelensky the President of Ukraine, well the coke head of Kiev, because he is a coke head.
The coke head of Kiev is actually a manufactured political figure. He was manufactured by a Ukrainian-Israeli Cypriot oligarch called Ihor Kolomoysky.
Now Ihor Kolomoysky was the man who owns 1+I Media here in Ukraine. And 1+I Media is the company that financed and produced the TV show, Servant of the People. And Servant of the People hired Zelensky, a well-known actor in Ukraine with zero political experience or even any political interest. Well they hired him to play the role of the president in this show Servant of the People.
Now, Servant of the People had huge ratings but a lot of people say that it was really weird the amount of propaganda and PR that was done for the show. It was disproportionate to any other show of any channel the amount of PR, positive press and all the rest of it. It was really pushed on the people. Some people say it was completely astroturfed.
Some people who know how to speak Ukrainian and who have watched the show have told me that it's a mildly enjoyable show but no big deal. But anyway, the show was hugely popular, and it ran from 2015 to 201. And almost seamlessly Kolomoysky, the oligarch ,created a party called Servant of the People. Same name as the TV show, and their candidate was Zelensky, a man with no previous political and indeed no previous political interest. And Kolomoysky financed Zelensky to the point that Zelensky today is a billionaire.
How many actors do you know that are billionaires? I mean, I don’t think that Tom Cruise is a billionaire and he’s the most successful actor in the world, if he's just an actor.
Zelensky is more than just an actor. He's the finger puppet of Kolomoysky, this oligarch.
And do you know who Kolomoysky also financed to $50,000 a month plus additional benefits of different sorts? Hunter Biden. Yes.
In 2014 Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company, the gas company, excuse me, hired Hunter Biden to be on its Board of Directors to tune of $50,000 a month.
Who do you think controls Burisma? Kolomoysky. The same guy who manufactured Zelensky as President of Ukraine. I bet you didn’t know that.
Zelensky and Hunter Biden are spiritual cousins. They are bankrolled by the same guy.
It’s funny because both of them have drug addictions, pretty serious ones. Both of them get their money from Kolomoysky and both of them are intimately involved in Ukraine.
But here's the difference of course. Zelensky doesn't have a dad who's President of the United States now does he?
Why do you think the White House, the United States is freaking out so badly over Ukraine?
In Ukraine there are all kinds of secrets. In Ukraine well, see the more unsavoury people in the Washington establishment have used Ukraine as their private piggy bank to the detriment of the Ukrainian people.
They have financially raped Ukraine, stripping it of monies and assets, monies and assets needed by the people of Ukraine. And this is part of the reason that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe, if not the poorest country in Europe, because of the corruption. Because of how westerners have exploited it, western politicians have exploited it.
Hunter Biden, $50,000 a month and you say to yourself, well 50,000 isn’t that much. Yeah, but you know, $50,000 a year is the medium household income in the United States. In Ukraine, a much poorer country, $50,000 a year would easily solve the problems of a good four or five families, the financial problems of those four or five families in Ukraine for a year. And Hunter Biden was getting that money per month, just for himself.
Although of course in the Hunter Biden emails, there’s talk that seems to be true, that the old man would get a 10 percent kickback of whatever Hunter Biden was getting, and that was in the laptop.
Look it up. You don’t have to take my word for it. You don’t have to take my word for any of what I’m telling you. Look it up yourself and you’ll find it. It’s very easy to find.
Kolomoysky, the Ukrainian-Israeli Cypriot oligarch was financing Zelensky, was financing Joe Biden. God alone knows who else he was financing, and he was just one.
There’s a whole rotten bunch of these people here in Ukraine, and they were all busy paying off the west so that they could carry on their little evil deeds and whatnot.
If you want to know why the west is freaking out over Ukraine you have to understand that they are all terrified that the truth will come out in Ukraine.
The biolabs, that just came out. Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State admitted that these biolabs existed in Ukraine. Why do you think that she would admit to such a thing if it weren't true?
And she said that they were instructing the people in Ukraine on how to dispose of all their material before the Russians could get their hands on it.
Now that's weird. I mean if I'm in a bio lab and I'm working on like the cure for Alzheimer's or something like that, I’m not worried about the Russians getting their hands on my research. On the contrary, I'm worried that the Russians might come in and destroy it maybe on purpose, maybe on accident right, but that's my worry. I'm not thinking to myself, “Oh the Russians are coming, therefore I am going to proactively destroy my research.” I’d never think that if I’m working on something mundane or potentially beneficial to the human race.
But I would be thinking that if I'm working on something really nasty. If I'm working on something really nasty like a super Anthrax virus or something like that. Or some super plague that will kill off a whole bunch of people, then I'd be thinking to myself, “How do i get rid of this material, of this research that I've done before the Russians find it, and get it, get their hands on it and show the world what i've been up to?”
See that's the thing that all the politicians in the west are worried about and, so far as Ukraine is concerned. They don't really care about Russia taking it over. They don't care about the Ukrainian people. They don't care if Ukraine is turned to rubble. Actually, they hope it will because in that rubble will be hidden all their deeds, their evil deeds, their corrupt deeds.
That's why they want to destroy Ukraine. That's why they don't care how many Ukrainian civilians die needlessly in this conflict.They want Ukraine to be turned to rubble so that in the rubble will be hidden all the evil corrupt things that they have done.
Understand this.
What Gonzalo said makes perfect sense to me and explains why the west, especially the U.S. keep pumping weapons and military equipment into Ukraine whilst they encourage volunteers to engage as soldiers on the ground. I had taken a brief look at this in my, Polish MiG-29 fighter jets may be nixed but plenty of other weaponry and mercenaries are flowing into Ukraine blog from the 11th of March.
This also helps to explain why Jen Psaki appears to have changed her answer to questions about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop.
This is Psaki in September 2021 answering a question from the press:
Compare that to how she recently answered a question about Hunter’s laptop on the 17th of March:

In the context of Zelensky as a billionaire actor who has been purposefully placed as the Ukrainian President, I feel it is important to reiterate this comment made by Alex Thomson during his most interesting and informative discussion with Vanessa Beeley, An intelligent analysis of Putin, WEF and the Ukraine NATO alliance regarding the instalment of other people linked to the comedy field in the Ukrainian government:
The Zelenskyy cabinet literally consists of actors. Zelenskyy himself is a comedy actor but the Chief of Staff of the Presidential apparatus, Andre Yemark, is a comedy producer. The head of the Presidential Administration, Andre Bodin, is a lawyer in the entertainment industry. The president's chief policy adviser, Sergey Sheffey, is a comedy writer. Ivan Bakanov, deputy chairman of the Intelligence Service, is the boss of a comedy film company and the Senior adviser to the Ukrainian National Defence Committee, Sergei Sivoko, is also a comedian and is Zelenskyy's acting partner.
So with that going on, when you get painted into a corner by Russian action you’re obviously going to panic and say, we need some of our deep state money men to plead with the Russians to stop what they’re doing. And some of those deep state money men are going to know rather too much for the West’s liking aren’t they?
At this juncture I am sharing KanekoaTheGreat’s excellent blog which provides more details about the situation in Ukraine, including Kolomoysky’s funding of the Azov Battalion.
How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion
Is this why Hunter Biden's laptop talks about "Children Burned Alive" in Ukraine?
By KanekoaTheGreat • 11 March 2022
Kolomoysky Owns Burisma Holdings
The real person who was the benefactor to, and the boss of, Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, was not the CEO of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky, but it was instead Ihor Kolomoysky, who was part of the newly installed Ukrainian Government, which the Obama Administration itself had actually just installed in Ukraine, in what the head of the “private CIA” firm Stratfor correctly called “the most blatant coup in history.”
Shortly after the Obama Administration’s Ukrainian coup, on March 2, 2014, Kolomoysky, who supported Yanukovych’s overthrow, was appointed the governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Hunter Biden, with no experience in the industry or region, would join Kolomoysky’s Burisma Holdings two months later on May 12, 2014.
A 2012 study of Burisma Holdings done in Ukraine by the AntiCorruption Action Centre (ANTAC), an investigative nonprofit co-funded by American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. State Department, found that the true owner of Burisma Holdings was none other than Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky.
The study, which was funded to dig up corruption on the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, instead found that Ihor Kolomoysky “managed to seize the largest reserves of natural gas in Ukraine”.
Burisma Holdings changed owners in 2011 when it was taken over by an off-shore Cyprus enterprise called Brociti Investments Ltd, and subsequently, moved addresses under the same roof as Ukrnaftoburinnya and Esko-Pivnich, two Ukrainian gas companies which happened to be also owned by Kolomoysky through off-shore entities in the British Virgin Islands.
Oleh Kanivets, who worked as CEO of Ukrnaftoburinnya, confirmed Kolomoysky as the owner of Burisma Holding in the 2012 report saying, “The Privat Group is the immediate owner. This company was founded by Mykola Zlochevsky some time ago, but he later sold his shares to the Privat Group.”
In other words, Hunter Biden’s boss and benefactor at Burisma Holdings is the same Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch who also claimed the position of boss and benefactor over Volodymyr Zelensky before he became Ukraine’s president.
Kolomoysky Owns 1+1 Media Group
Kolmoysky, who currently holds a net worth of $1.8 billion making him the 1750th richest person in the world, owns holdings in metal, petroleum, and the media sector, where he has had a long history with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
For years, Zelensky’s company produced shows for Kolmoysky’s TV network, 1+1 Media Group, one of the largest media conglomerates in Ukraine. Zelensky achieved national fame portraying a president on a hit television sitcom called, Servant of the People, which was broadcasted on a channel owned by Kolmoysky.
In 2019, Kolmoysky’s media channels gave a big boost to Zelensky’s presidential campaign, while Kolmoysky even provided security, lawyers, and vehicles for Zelensky during his campaign. Kolmoysky’s bodyguard and lawyer accompanied Zelensky on the campaign trail as Zelensky was chauffeured around in a Range Rover owned by one of Kolmoysky’s companies.
The Pandora Papers showed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his TV production partners were beneficiaries of a web of offshore firms created in 2012, the same year Zelensky’s production company entered into a deal with Kolomoysky’s media group, which allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoysky’s Privatbank.
Zelensky’s political rival, President Petro Poroshenko commented on their connection during the campaign trail, “Fate intended to put me together with Kolomoyskiy’s puppet in the second round of the elections.”
After Zelensky’s victory, Kolomoysky, who had spent the last few years living between Israel and Switzerland, returned to Ukraine to keep up his relationship with the new president, nominating over 30-lawmakers to Zelensky’s newly established party and maintaining influence with many of them in parliament.
[Video as embedded above, Zelensky’s Oligarch Connection at the start of this blog, which I had come to before I read Kanekoa’s work.]Kolomoysky Funds The Azov, Aidar, and Dnipro Battalions
Igor Kolomoysky has been a top funder of the Azov Battalion since it was formed in 2014. He has also bankrolled private militias like the Dnipro and Aidar Battalions and has personally deployed them to protect his financial interests.
Before becoming part of Ukraine’s armed forces, who funded Azov? The unit received backing from Ukraine’s interior minister in 2014, as the government had recognised its own military was too weak to fight off the pro-Russian separatists and relied on paramilitary volunteer forces.
These forces were privately funded by oligarchs–the most known being Igor Kolomoisky, an energy magnate billionaire and then-governor of the Dnipropetrovska region.
Groups of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists are committing war crimes in the rebel-held territories of Eastern Ukraine, according to a report from Amnesty International, as evidence emerged in local media of the volunteer militias beheading their victims.
Armed volunteers who refer to themselves as the Aidar battalion "have been involved in widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions", Amnesty said…
The Aidar battalion is publicly backed by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who also allegedly funds the Azov, Donbas, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2 volunteer battalions, operating under orders from Kiev.
Some of Ukraine’s private battalions have blackened the country’s international reputation with their extremist views. The Azov battalion, partially funded by Taruta and Kolomoisky, uses the Nazi Wolfsangel symbol as its logo, and many of its members openly espouse neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic views. The battalion members have spoken about “bringing the war to Kiev,” and said that Ukraine needs “a strong dictator to come to power who could shed plenty of blood but unite the nation in the process.”
Kolomoysky’s Battalions Shell Civilians In Donbas
The Luhansk and Donetsk regions comprise a larger region known together as Donbas. In May 2014, shortly after the Obama administration’s Maidan-coup, the two regions held a referendum on seceding from Ukraine, in which 96% of Lukansk and 89% of Donetsk voted for the creation of two new independent entities in eastern Ukraine.
Moscow said the vote reflected the "will of the people," but the European Union called the elections "illegal and illegitimate", which quickly turned violent and descended into an all-out conflict between Russian-backed separatist forces and the Ukrainian military and pro-government militias.
Donbas became the epicenter of a battle for global influence between NATO and Moscow in which the homes, schools, and offices of innocent civilians were simply collateral damage, and water, electricity, and gas were regularly shut off for the residents who paid the ultimate price.
The War in Donbas has continued to this day killing an estimated 14,000 while tearing eastern Ukraine's Donbas region into shreds.
Human Rights Watch reported on July 24, 2014, that Ukrainian government forces and pro-government militias had indiscriminately used unguided Grad rockets in populated areas, which violated international humanitarian law, the laws of war, and constituted war crimes.
While the Ukrainian government officials denied using Grad rockets in Donetsk, a Human Rights Watch investigation on the ground strongly indicated that Ukrainian government forces were responsible for the attacks and earlier in the month, Al Jazeera journalist had even filmed Ukrainian forces with Grad rocket launchers on the road to Donetsk.
While Kolomoysky’s Azov battalion led the post-coup government’s assault on the self-declared republics of Luhansk and Donetsk, a 2014 Amnesty International report accused Kolomoysky’s Aidar Battalion of war crimes in Donbas specifically citing, “widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions".
In October 2014, Human Rights Watch reported that Ukrainian government forces and pro-government militias were responsible for the widespread use of cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city.
“It is shocking to see a weapon that most countries have banned used so extensively in eastern Ukraine,” said Mark Hiznay, senior arms researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Ukrainian authorities should make an immediate commitment not to use cluster munitions and join the treaty to ban them.”
This is not to say that both sides were not guilty of war crimes as Russian-backed separatists were also accused of using unguided rockets, shooting down civilian planes, and both sides have been accused of numerous war crimes.
The Minsk II agreement in 2015 ended the worst fighting and set up a buffer zone around the breakaway republics, but the deadly civil war has continued to drag on in the region until this day. Heavy weapons were banned by the Minsk agreements but were still frequently used, and to devastating effect.
Children’s schools in Donetsk have been hit so many times by indiscriminate shelling that basements are set up as make-shift bomb shelters and windows are piled high with sandbags. Donbas has also become one of the most landmine contaminated places on earth putting more than 220,000 children at risk.
“The shelling doesn’t leave a child’s psyche unscathed. Children are traumatized. They are terrified. There are children who become very emotional. They pour their feelings out,” said Iryna Morhun, the Principal of Krasnohorivka School, which was hit by a direct strike.
“On the other side, there are children who keep this pain inside. It’s very sad to see children who should be having a happy childhood suffer because of this war.”
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Talks About “Children Burned Alive” In Donetsk
The nonprofit research group, Marco Polo, which is doing a comprehensive report on Hunter Biden’s Laptop, made the connection between Hunter Biden’s text messages and Kolomoysky’s massacres in eastern Ukraine.
Text messages found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, show Hunter Biden asking Hallie Biden, his brother’s widow and his mistress, if she believed that he had “children burned alive in DONETSK” or “children killed in donetsk, Ukraine”.
Most likely, in reference to Kolomoysky, his reported Burisma Holdings boss, who was also funding the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion that was accused of war crimes and the shelling of civilians in eastern Ukraine.
In 2018, Congress banned U.S. arms from going to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion which used neo-Nazi insignia, openly accepted neo-Nazis into its ranks, and had been accused of 'ISIS-Style' War Crimes including beheadings.
“White supremacy and neo-Nazism are unacceptable and have no place in our world,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), an outspoken critic of providing lethal aid to Ukraine, said in a statement to The Hill on Tuesday. “I am very pleased that the recently passed omnibus prevents the U.S. from providing arms and training assistance to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion fighting in Ukraine.”
In 2016, Kolomoysky’s Privatbank collapsed amid accusations of embezzlement and fraud. The bank failure cost the Ukrainian government — and by extension the American and European taxpayers who propped it up with aid funds — about $5.5 billion in a bailout.
In 2020, the Justice Department moved to seize Kolomoysky’s U.S. properties after accusing the oligarch of embezzling and defrauding billions of dollars from PrivatBank and laundering it into American properties, including a steel plant in Kentucky, a commercial high rise in Cleveland, and a Motorola manufacturing plant in Illinois.
In March 2021, the Biden administration barred Kolomoisky and members of his family from traveling to the United States because of “involvement in significant acts of corruption.”
It is highly unlikely Kolomoisky would have returned to the United States considering the Justice Department had already begun seizing his properties the year before and he had reportedly been traveling between Switzerland, Israel, and Ukraine in fear of being extradited to the United States.
As I am writing this, the U.S. Congress is approving another $14 billion in aid for Ukraine that will undoubtedly be funneled into the family members of corrupt U.S. and Ukrainian politician’s bank accounts and oligarch’s off-shore financial entities before making its way to the neo-Nazi battalions congress banned from receiving U.S. arms in 2018.
Do the people pushing so hard for war with Russia know about the “children burned alive” in Donetsk? Do they know that we are arming neo-Nazi battalions who have been shooting rockets and dropping cluster bombs on children in Donbas for the last 8-years?
I highly recommend subscribing to Kanekoa’s Newsletter and reading his other work.
Before I pause with this topic for the moment, I am sharing this photo of the tattoos on Hunter Biden’s back.

Edit 26 May 2023: The tweet that was embedded above with the photo of Hunter Biden’s back has apparently been removed. Below is the photo that was included:
If you haven’t looked into the infamous laptop, there are many sordid photos and videos on it amongst other information, but what the heck is that on Hunter’s back?
It appears to be a replica of a map of the Finger Lakes of northern New York State, near the south western shore of Lake Ontario. There is a network of tunnels in this area which were used by the Underground Railroad to help slaves escape to Canada. Today, they are said to be used for the trafficking of children, people and other illicit commodities. Please watch the video included in the blog post below which is the transcript for the video with interesting information about the Finger Lakes, submarines and all.
Why Does Hunter Biden Have A Finger Lakes Tattoo?
By Pamela Pariso • June 1, 2022
Did you know that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has a tattoo of the Finger Lakes on his back? In this episode of the History and Mystery of Seneca Lake, we’re going to explore Hunter Biden’s connection to Seneca Lake and the Finger Lakes. We’ll sort through the stories and rumours to see if we can get to the bottom of this mysterious connection.
A Mysterious Finger Lakes Connection
When looking for the histories and mysteries of Seneca Lake, I found a story that’s quite interesting. The President’s son, Hunter Biden, has a tattoo of the Finger Lakes on his back—and his spine is where Seneca Lake sits. As I was doing some research online about Hunter Biden’s connection to Seneca Lake and the Finger Lakes, I discovered that he has a company called Rosemont Seneca.
Additionally, his mother was born in the Seneca Lake region. I remember reading all about it on Wikipedia—but apparently, the whole Wikipedia article about Rosemont Seneca has been deleted. Thankfully, somebody knew to download it before the deletion happened and shared the information in a New York Post news article dated April 23, 2022.
The Deleted Wikipedia Entry
The article about the Wikipedia entry detailed that the investment company co-founded by Hunter Biden has been at the heart of numerous questions surrounding his overseas business dealings. “‘This organization is only mentioned in connection with its famous founders, Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz,’ said a Wiki editor identified only as Alex who additionally warned that ‘keeping it around’ ran the risk of the page becoming ‘a magnet for conspiracy theories.’”
Arguments to merge the story with a Hunter Biden official Wikipedia page were also overruled—so there’s a little bit of censorship going on there. While this brief article was thin on details, it did say that Wikipedia decided to archive the page permanently. I wonder why. I wish I had downloaded it because I remember reading it and thinking there’s a story here.
Thankfully, someone thought to put a screenshot of the Wikipedia page in the New York Post article. While they’re saying that the connection between Rosemont Seneca and Hunter Biden was not considered factually accurate, there’s obviously something there. After all, the man’s got a tattoo of the Finger Lakes running down his back.
The Finger Lakes Tattoo
I did a little digging about Seneca Lake and Hunter Biden and I found some viewpoints that I’m going to share with you. I’m not necessarily saying these are true or not, but we all know there’s some kind of connection going on with the Hunter party. After all, the Finger Lakes is a region where the rich and famous—or should I say infamous—are coming to party.
There’s something going on around Seneca Lake. A story on sbynews.com talks about Hunter Biden’s apparent fetish with the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York. He does, in fact, have a tattoo on his back that was inked in September 2018. The tattoo depicts the Finger Lakes—and we all recognize that immediately. I certainly did.
The Finger Lakes is a group of long narrow lakes that run roughly north to south in New York State, with Seneca being the largest. On Hunter’s tattoo, Seneca runs right down his spine.
Submarines And Underwater Caverns
In the sbynews.com article, what I really found interesting is the comment section. Somebody named ‘Anonymous’ said, “Finger Lakes has a submarine base? That would be a really good trick.” Somebody else responded in February of 2022.
“I have lived in the Finger Lakes region my whole life,” another anonymous user commented. “YES, there is a submarine base under Seneca Lake. We all knew that growing up. There are miles of Seneca Lake they have never found the bottom of. Also, Canandaigua Lake, another Finger Lake, has miles of the lake they have never found the bottom of.”
Seneca Lake is so deep that about 200 feet of it are actually below sea level. There are rumors that submarines can pass through underwater pathways to other lakes, possibly even out to the Great Lakes and even to the ocean. There are also mysterious caverns and military bases around Seneca Lake, including salt caverns. Something’s going on down there.
Various Finger Lakes Theories
I was able to find a little bit on Twitter about Hunter Biden and Seneca Lake on his back. Apparently, the Rosemont Seneca investment fund led by Hunter Biden is involved in financing biological laboratories in Ukraine, chief of the Russian radiation, chemical, and biodefense forces. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it sure makes for an interesting claim.
There’s another story about how Wikipedia deleted the entry for Hunter Biden’s investment firm, Rosemont Seneca. Another story on GNEWS.org says the secret is hidden in a tattoo on Hunter Biden’s back. On October 26, 2020, a selfie of Hunter Biden in a mirror taking a picture of the “spectacular” tattoo on his back instantly raised curiosity about its significance. Most people recognize the tattoo mimics the shape of the Finger Lakes in upstate New York. Yes, it does.
This article goes on to talk about child sex trafficking in the Finger Lakes region, but I don’t know anything about that. It’s possible that something is going on and there might be a connection. There’s also Hunter Biden’s laptop that may have some lewd photos on it, and who knows where they were taken.
The Finger Lakes Tattoo Mystery Remains
So why did Hunter Biden choose to have the Finger Lakes tattooed on his back? Is it because he likes to party here in the lifestyle of the rich and famous? What is his connection to Seneca Lake? There’s a lot of speculation, but the truth still remains a mystery.
If you have answers, go share them on my Facebook page, the History and Mystery of Seneca Lake. Make sure you subscribe to my channel so you never miss an episode of my show, and stay tuned for the next mystery relating to Seneca Lake and the Finger Lakes area that we’ll investigate. See you then!
Given that Ukraine is a known hub for human and other trafficking, I will leave off with this:
Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’
New York Post • 23 September 2020
Hunter Biden allegedly sent “thousands of dollars” to people who appear to be involved in the sex industry, according to Wednesday’s report released by Senate Republicans.
The report claims unspecified records show that Biden “has sent funds to non-resident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine.”
“The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’ ”
The allegations are contained in a footnote to a section of the report that details potential “criminal concerns and extortion threats” involving Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family.
The report also cites “extensive public reporting concerning Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement with prostitution services.”
“Records on file with the Committees do not directly confirm or refute these individual reports,” the report says.
“However, they do confirm that Hunter Biden sent thousands of dollars to individuals who have either: 1) been involved in transactions consistent with possible human trafficking; 2) an association with the adult entertainment industry; or 3) potential association with prostitution.”
Neither Hunter Biden’s lawyer nor his dad’s campaign responded to requests for comment, although a campaign spokesman earlier accused Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), whose staffers helped prepare the report, of “diverting” attention from President Trump’s “catastrophically botched” handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is much more to come on this and other subjects.
Related post:
Excellent! Been trying to write about this for years. The one defining characteristic of all of these WEF, Club Of Rome, Corporatocracy-wielding kleptocrats are allowing their Toxic Narcissism to show. Great examples. When the psychopaths are running the place we know it time for a change.
Excellent work, sir. My highest regards.