Peace ☮️

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Oh, how I long for Peace on Earth. 🙏

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

A cease fire should be demanded and if not, all are guilty of war crimes. Even without bombing the humanitarian disaster of displaced people without basic necessities is criminal. The next hours and days will reveal if anyone actually cares.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Author

I am in completel agreement with you. In my opinion, war crimes have been committed for some 75 years or more. The dark souls responsible must finally be held to account.

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What Hamas did to Israel is unquestionably a war crime but two wrongs don't make a right. Die Fackel has an article with an embedded video which gives lots of background info on why things escalated. I don't think western people really understand how Palestinians live, particularly in Gaza, enclosed by a fortress wall, everything necessary for life under the control of Israel. I certainly didn't realise and my recent searches on history of Israel's coming into being, how British gave land away that didn't belong to them, then denied Palestine to have a state of their own, is shocking. No-one admits to the ongoing Nakba, 75 years since it started. But we know the controllers don't want a political solution and are gearing up for more bloodshed which will escalate much wider.

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