All well and good, but why would it be otherwise?! Writers talk like this as if the ‘media’ was some independent entity, and not what IT IS : a megaphone owned by our zio occupiers. DUH. I have to wonder, why the obfuscation? You think these writers don’t know?🙄

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Some of the young bright-eyed recruits to "journalism" as stenographers who have been (mis)educated through the mind control programming of public eduction may well believe that they are doing a great service to humanity, edjumacating the masses as stenographers reporting what the control system want the public to believe.

In my opinion, it takes a few years, decades to realise how controlled and corrupt everything is. Although there were a number of things along the way that made me quietly really question things, my big reality check came through working in litigation in the heart of of the rat race in downtown Toronto, along with other life experiences.

Once you begin to truly see, you continue to see and question even more. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

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Thank you Azra. "Once you begin to truly see, you continue to see and question even more. What has been seen cannot be unseen." Amen!

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Personally I am sick and tired of suggesting to American people what to do.

YOU protest outside Mainstream Media (NOT on Campus')

You stand outside MSM and protest.

Nothing more.

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Campus is where the robot drones are invented. And "Where's Daddy". Do you know what "Where's Daddy" is? How can kids NOT protest?!?

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That is NOT what I am saying. OF course the kids should protest it's their lives that matter BUT also outside MSM offices.

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Ah ok. I'm quite confused as your new statement presents quite differently from the first, else I would not have replied. Originally you said not on campus, outside MSM and no more.

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Jenny: No YOU! You don’t think you have responsibility?!

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I do have responsibility. I protest here in France!

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