Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

Thx, I thought this was an excellent piece for understanding their motives and tactics, but I've read all the books on A21 and I'm no longer interested in historical perspectives ...

I'm still waiting for someone with the balls and smarts to create a global scoreboard that attempts to show us where things stand on key areas and issues ... and until that happens, let's just admit that their possible "failure" will still NOT impact us in any favorable way ... They've gamed every possible outcome and concluded that we the people will actually lose big-time ... millions will die and perhaps a billion will become homeless refugees ... In the process, we lose our private property, our financial independence and our sovereign rights ... and if I'm a member of the globalist cabal, I'm kicking back and laughing about how clueless we the people are about how to resist ... at this point in the game, historical perspectives are worthless ...

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Author

It's excellent that you are so well informed regarding the UN's Agenda 21/2030. Not everyone is and that is one of the reasons why I will continue to share information about their Malthusian plans to control all aspects of our lives as they continue to carry on with depopulating the earth of most humans, animals, birds – all creatures great and small whilst they destroy the planet. There are extremely dark forces behind this.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Yes, but let's not forget that their primary motive here IS NOT to merely claim as much power as possible ... I believe their craving for absolute control over us is in fact just a secondary consideration ... so what then is their primary motive and why are they doing this? ... I firmly believe they do what they do simply because THEY CAN - it's as simple as that ... and to not do so would be an affront to the warped biological imperative of the hyper-masculine capitalist ... it does not take much to adopt this mindset ... they simply rationalize away the big-picture ramifications of their actions by telling themselves: "... why not do it when there is nothing to stop us" ... this mindset also feeds their primary operating principles of 1) primacy of profit, and 2) primacy of self ... in this case, reason and the law of self-restraint take an absolute beating ...

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

I think it us useful to know the background but like you the current situation and what to do about it is also important. For example, do we need a new financial system and electoral system or even no/little government at all? Good ideas to replace the rotten system would be interesting to read about. No doubt things will just happen, and we will muddle through as has happened in the past when empires fall. Things may go smaller and local again as the global system collapses and other countries like China and India do their own thing rather than allowing the US to dominate.

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

Everybody is saying things will not change until 2032 because that's what Martin Armstrong's "Socrates" cycle system predicts ... but beyond that, nobody has any original observations ...

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

There are some new political parties and movements that have been set up here in the UK, but the electoral system makes it very difficult for them to get into a position of power. There is a general awakening though that democracy is a sham in its present form. If things break down, people will do more for themselves. That is not original, but it is different from the status quo. https://freedomalliance.co.uk/

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

Thx Munchy ... I just visited the Freedom Alliance website, and even though I reside in the U.S., I still might join in hope enriching my sources of discourse ...

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

Yes, they're a good crowd. A grass roots political party set up by people fed up with the lockdowns etc. They are on Facebook and Telegram plus I get occasional emails to my inbox from them. There are a few small political parties over here in the UK but it is hard to get an MP in to Parliament because of the first past the post electoral system. It does however lend an air of respectability if you go out on the streets campaiging. What else can you do other than protest in London and 'talk' to people online and in person? And of course, not complying where possible with the stupid rules they throw at us.

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Thank you Munchy - it was a pleasure ...

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

These Aholes need to brought down. Before its to late. If its not all ready.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

Also ... regarding the subhead used here of "All that has been hidden will be revealed" ...

If we the people cannot overcome our divisive resentments of each other, the true history of this moment will never be written ... these bastards actually intend to implement a "zero-history" point on the calendar at which any accounts of history which fuel dissent will be replaced or eradicated ...

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Our National Library has been touting its policy of chucking out all books that are by overseas authors. They say that such books are available on line.

Also chucking out old locally written non-fiction, they say because out of date science for instance is dangerous.

The huge ground floor doesn't have any books anymore - just gathering spaces and a gift shop and cafe.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Azra Dale

A real sign of the times ...

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That's why posts like Azra's are important. When all this is over everyone needs to know the background.

We will look pretty silly if we didn't know what the threat was, and yet claim to have saved humanity from it.

Otherwise it would be like someone claiming that they averted an asteroid hitting Earth, but for people to say *What asteroid?*.

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Good post for revealing all that has been hidden, and tying things together.

Unlike other commenters I did not know about the *Strong* man.

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Thank you Cairn. William Engdahl is an older gentleman who has been digging into this sort of thing, along with medical tyranny for decades.I highly recommend all of his work.

I grew up in Canada and wasn't aware of Maurice Strong until I moved to the UK and had some time and space away from the fray to dig into some dot connecting research over a decade ago. That 'Strong' man who has been lauded for playing a heavy hand in creating the groundwork for the totalitarian future that the cabal is doing all they can to push through right now, should rightly be vilified.

"Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, "Environmentalist" (January 2016) is a very good overview by James Corbett which begins as follows:

"Disgraced kleptocrat Maurice Strong died late last year at the age of 86. He was shunned from polite society and forced into a life of exile in Beijing after his decades of business intrigues, crimes against humanity, and environmental destruction unraveled. His savagery culminated with an attempt to profit off of the death of starving Iraqi children. His funeral was a quiet affair, attended only by those few family members who could not find it in their heart to shun him completely. Former friends and business associates like Paul Martin, James Wolfensohn, Kofi Annan, Conrad Black, and Al Gore all avoided calls for comments on their disgraced friend's passing."

. . . is how Maurice Strong's legacy would have been remembered in any reasonable world. Instead we get this:..."

Continue reading here: https://www.corbettreport.com/meet-maurice-strong-globalist-oiligarch-environmentalist/

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Thank you Azra for your extensive reply and the link.

Yes, he was only in disgrace from some quarters.

Is "disgrace" a *strong* enough term.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

You are most welcome Cairn. In my opinion, "disgrace" is most certainly not a strong enough term to describe what Strong did. He should be vilified. It popped into my head just now that I did do some digging into Strong with regard to the possibility of child abuse and/or child trafficking a number of years ago in relation to children's "homes" in Asia if I recall correctly. I had posted the information in the old original UK Column forum which the last time I checked, is no longer accessible.

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