Not difficult for Jew spooks to infiltrate, coerce and blackmail senior management at the BBC,

That shithole has been overseen by a long line of paedos, homos, pimps and grubs.

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In my opinion, the BBC was purposefully created to create and distribute propaganda to "inform" and influence the human herd.

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The estates of the Realm mate.

Lords Spiritual

Lords Temporal

And the fourth estate.

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We did a read through and commentary on this article Sunday night. Check out indiemediatoday.com and you can find the segment.

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Thank you for letting me know Indie. I look forward to listening to your discussion hopefully later today.

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C’mon Pee-pul! I mean WTAF! Raffi Berg? The name screams CIA/ Mossad connection. He should have been removed from his job a long time ago.

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He is just another member of the Beeb's propaganda team.

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The enormity of the forces Palestinians face arrayed against them, bent on their destruction, it really makes you lament for humanity.

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I most certainly agree with you. I am shocked by the general lack of outrage and horror as we are shown a genocide in action. It sadly speaks to the success of the propaganda and conditioning of the general population.

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I do not know how many times I have suggested protesting in front to Mainstream Media offices in the USA and UK. Falls on deaf ears. Just do it.

Until you get shot of MSM you have NO chance.

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What a bloody disgrace the BBC have become, no wonder there reporting is biased towards the genocide.

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And now they’re going to try and ’Assange’ Owen Jones.

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