Can anyone, please, locate the contract between Pfizer and the government that specifically allowed Pfizer to skirt industry-standard FDA regulations with regard to its COVID vaccines. Isolating the exact portion of the contract, behind which Pfizer attempts to defend itself, is critically important. Let's have a look at that. Thanks, Doc

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Steve Kirsch is a fake. Anybody who continues to call this JAB a "vaccine" is a fake. I stopped reading his controlled opposition long ago. Just my opinion, but I don't trust him at all. Of course, if Pfraudster admits to fraud in court, he has to "report" it! But we don't NEED HIM, everybody is reporting this... Anyway. xo

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Very nice summary of the issues of vaccine trial quality and what it implies for the children now to get jabbed. When will it end?

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It ends when the People stand up and end it. We're getting close.

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