The evil is so thick we could fashion a world out of it. How gullible can people become? Gullible enough to be imprisoned in their own homes and sent off to die β€œfor their own good.” And that is only a small part of the story. Makes Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia appear almost quaint and innocent.

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And yet most Brits still think it's OK to have allowed the state to implement socialist medicine.

Ah well. Here's a funny one for y'all https://0x0.st/o61Q.jpg

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I don't agree with your comment that most Brits think what was done is okay. From what I am seeing and experiencing here in the UK a lot more people have and are speaking out against the medical apartheid that was imposed upon us, especially by the likes of the psychopath that is Matt Hancock.

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The object in my sentence was "implement socialist medicine" ( which happend in 1948), and not the covid mandates of 2020-2022. Do we disagree that most Brits think the creation of the NHS was OK?

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Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. We do agree that most Brits think the creation of the NHS was not just OK, but the best thing ever. People are very attached to their "beloved" NHS. "This is the final battle to keep our beloved NHS out of the grubby hands of profiteers" https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/nhs-privatisation-boris-johnson-trump-trade-deal-money-drugs-a9651976.html

As it is in Canada with socialised medicine like the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, OHIP. Most people, including myself were born into these systems and it's all we've ever known. It was Tony Blair who began the purposeful privatisation and destruction of the NHS. The Tory governments, especially with people like vile Jeremy Hunt as Secretary of Health have gleefully carried on with the privatisation, which they have benefited from.

I experienced medical malpractice on several occasions in Toronto and also here in the UK and am very wary of "the system." I am staying out of it.

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I loathed the NHS before all this happened. The way it treated my late mother was beyond horrible. And just to stick the knife in, I had to endure my idiotic neighbours standing outside their homes clapping the wretched institution. The whole deification thing was sickening.

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It's also good to be wary of the 'privatisation' schemes as well. The compulsory mandates tend to remain, as does the concentration of power, but now with a private profiteer^H^H^H rent-seeker added-on.

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Great post.

Can we see the treachery in their faces.

Is it only because I know to look for it.

They might prefer to mask their snake-ish-ness.

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This, Matt Hancock, is getting to be a better comedy actor as time passes.

He will be a classic, maybe up with William Shakespeare.

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