Thanks, read this yesterday. I came late to studying the WEF - just a few years ago. I've been duly impressed through studying their many lists of pals and associates just how far they have penetrated the many institutions we are surrounded by. At all levels and in all surroundings they have insinuated themselves. I believe education about who and what exactly these forces are is essential. Things wont change appreciably until the average person understands this is no conspiracy but an invasion of bloody, toxic, fatal parasites.

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Thanks for these. Excellent grouping. The World Economic Forum, it’s roots in fascism and deep tentacles roping through our societies are a force most people can’t or don’t want to see. Many of the governments around the world are completely under the thumbs of these people. And if there are not they are under severe unrelenting pressure to fall in line. Few seem to even consider this information without first dismissing it as conspiracy theory. They miss the entire point that it is so far out it is a conspiracy masquerading as a conspiracy theory. People in the USA think Biden & Co are acting alone. No. They are in the pockets of the WEF & allied forces. The US government has been for a very long time.

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This is a fascinating series. I had never heard of Dorothy Thompson before the current entry. My grandmother, the daughter of a Free Methodist circuit-rider in the 19th Century, was convinced that Henry Kissinger was the anti-Christ.

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