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Indeed. It's pure evil.

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jews like to do them


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What little angels they are. The fact there are people who think this is normal, tells me why humanity is on the decline. 💔

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All their indoctrination of Israeli children reminds me of the Hitler youth movement. It is IMO tantamount to child abuse and the childrens aid organizations should arrest the abusers.

It's worth noting that the UN issued an arrest warrent for Putin for removing children of Russian speaking families living in war-torn areas then transporting them to safety. I understand the children were well cared for, attended school and given music lessons.

I also recall how parents in London during WWII sent their children to live with English families in the countryside to avoid the German bombings.

The very least the UN could do is demand that Israel allows the evacuation of the Palestinian children to safe countries rather than subject them to certain death from snipers, bombings, famine or disease.

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