Among the politicians, there are only some turds that stink less.

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We are in The Matrix.

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That's for sure.

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Thank you for publishing what is a fine sequel to my article on September 27, 2022, in which I asked the same question:


When are people going to realize that politics is a show and politicians are not going to save or even help them?

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Thank you Ray for sharing your previous post about DeSanti. I will read it this evening.

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Thanks. So many Trojan horses so little time. Some of my family members pointed out warnings when I brought him up. So many pretty words we fall for. I put him on back burner for observation. He failed to live up to expectations. Needless to say we need leaders who pass our gut reaction tests.

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Not true at all that he failed to live up to expectations. Sorry wasn't he just overwhelmingly re-elected? Or is that not enough for you and the author who clearly have a fantasy that there is a perfect (in your eyes) leader that will save you. Get over it. Save yourself.

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Where on earth did you get the idea that myself as the author 'clearly has a fantasy that there is a perfect (in my eyes) leader that will save me'?

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Time will tell. Not saying he is not capable and successful. He is disappointing some. That is to be expected. If he succeeds I will get in line. But there is a great deal to be discovered.

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After stumbling over the Empire Files video and then taking a brief look at information regarding DeSantis's possible involvement with child trafficking, the trail became dark very quickly. If I look into it any further, I need to set aside at least a few days to work on it, which I just do not have at the moment.

After my brief look at DeSantis, I personally would never support him.

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Thanks. Very good to know. The commenter seemed so fearful. Too bad.

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You're welcome KW.

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Thanks for writing about this. I didn't know anything about his military service, but sadly it's not a surprise. It explains a lot about why he rose to prominence in politics so quickly. Nobody rises like that unless they've been selected by the dark rulers, and they only select those who've proven their loyalty and sold their souls. It's been obvious that just like with Trump, the corporate media that claims to despise him is absolutely silent about his dark past. That reveals all we need to know.

My feeling about the evidence presented in the video is that by itself it's not going to convict DeSantis of crimes, but generally it's entirely consistent with what we know happened at Guantanamo from many other sources. The fact that he was there and intimately involved in a responsible position, and yet says nothing and does nothing to bring justice to that continuing situation gives weight to the witness accounts.

My instincts as an experienced criminal and human rights investigator say there's a lot more to the story, and that he and many others would be serving long prison sentences if we had a functioning justice system in this country. The fact that collectively we accepted the evils that streamed in on the wake of the 2001 false flag attack condemned us to what we're experiencing now, and we're still in total denial. Having one of the lead torturers become president in 2024 would perfectly represent what we've become as a nation.

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Thank you David for your very well informed comment. As a Canadian who has been living in the UK for over 10 years, I hadn't looked into the background of DeSantis at all. I noticed this video in the sidebar on YouTube after I had watched another completely unrelated video, and viewed it out of curiosity.

I was beyond appalled by the information the video presented, albeit brief so I shared it with a view to hopefully making more people aware of his background.

I was previously employed as a law clerk for some 18 years and agree with you that the evidence presented in the video alone falls far short in terms of evidence for charges being laid against him, let alone a trial and conviction.

I feel strongly that the information presented in the video is likely just the tip of a very dark iceberg.

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Another thing I consider is that such a job at Guantanamo, privy to learn about and see all of the torture and other abuse and crimes including murders by government agents, would be considered by the Pentagon as a critically-sensitive position requiring a high-level security clearance and demonstrated loyalty and willingness to cover for overt criminality. No way they'd take a chance on someone that wasn't already vetted and fully trusted to keep the secrets. So there must be some dark history even before he went to Guantanamo. And I'll bet his parents were insiders too. These 'leaders' that meteorically rise seem to all come from elite-connected families.

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I smelled a rat when I saw him being a Big Military/WAR supporter. Please people, VOTE HARDER! haha

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Amazing where was this before? Your timing is what is suspect. Not who holds the flag (seriously does a Brit fall for this?) As a Canadian and UK citizen feeling the Deep State breath down my neck daily (thanks to help from your MI6/MI5) both here and in the US-- I wonder why you don't spend more time looking into that? 🤔

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My timing is suspect?

I posted this after I watched the Empire Files video exposing some of DeSantis's highly questionable, disturbing background as a US Military JAG – a video which I had noticed in the sidebar on YT yesterday after I had finished watching a completely unrelated video i.e. I did not go looking for it. I then took a look at Twitter to see if anyone had commented upon the shady background of DeSantis.

I found the tweets about the symbolism of who is holding the flag in relation to the hidden hands of the deep state interesting, so included them.

If you hadn't noticed the title of my blog, I am interested in revealing what has been hidden, lurking in the darkness for far too long. I have in the past 10 years or so done quite a bit of research into MI5 and MI6 for UK Column and out of my own interest. I generally share information here about subjects which cross my path and draw my attention along the winding journey as days go by. I would be interested in reading your written thoughts and research about MI5 and MI6.

I too am a Canadian who has been living in the UK for 10 1/2 years now. After 2 years in Somerset, I escaped to Wales which continues to degenerate with the current disturbingly woke Welsh Labour party with the creepy puppet Drakeford (whose son is a paedophile and convicted rapist (https://expose-news.com/2021/12/24/fuhrer-drakefords-son-is-a-convicted-rapist-and-paedo/) as their 'leader' in Corruption (Cardiff) Bay.

In addition to the ongoing collective fight against the globalist totalitarian agenda with which they plan to control all aspects of the lives of whomever survives the onslaught, I continue to support critical local/national/international causes such as Public Child Protection Wales (PCP Wales) along with the sexualisation of children (lowering and/or abolishing the age of consent, gender identity etc.) and the family. At the same time I continue the battle with others in the community against yet another new massive "energy park" which will desecrate and destroy this ancient sacred land, wildlife and ecosystems of the Radnor Forest. In spite of the seemingly never ending battles and dark energy being directed towards us, for some reason I feel relatively at peace here in the hills.

The tone of your comments lend me to feel that you are perhaps angry and/or possess some fear about your situation here in the UK. I am sorry if this is so.

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