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Since 1967, during the Vietnam War, I have been an activist against war, all war. The entire time my country was at the frontline, taking part in every skirmish, every battle and even instigating bloodshed worldwide. It took me years to recognise that Britain is a captured colony of an international crime syndicate which self sustains from facilitating war.

It became obvious to me that the British government, whether left or right, is obedient to the crown and the crown has pride in terrorising the world into submission. There is a policy of totalitarianism, eugenics and ownership that sickens me to the stomach.

I cannot bear to listen to our United Nations delegates. The vanity and insanity is off the charts. The hatred and disrespect distorts the faces of our diplomats and I dread to think what it does to their souls. Mark Smith is a rare civil servant indeed. He has great courage, calling out the illegalities and obfuscation he has witnessed in his career. People like him probably began their careers believing in truth and justice - now where are they?

Broken. Unemployed. Silenced. Censored. Like me, with a head full of bitter memories and a guilty internal whisper saying "You could have done more...."

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