This move is horrible, cowardly and destructive, and Canada is guilty of it too. Shame!

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"Some eyes have been opened. In December, the National Council of Switzerland decided to cut its funding to UNRWA. In the same month, Germany announced that it would halt new aid commitments for long-term UNRWA development projects in Gaza — although after some back-and-forth it decided not to cut its funding altogether."

Strange that Francis Boyle has not accused Switzerland and Germany of complicity in genocide.


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"More damning still, when the IDF asked UNRWA officials to help remove civilians to safe zones during the early stages of the war, the officials wouldn’t do so. “Not only did they refuse to cooperate,” said Conricus, “they actively prevented the creation of safe zones. They have blood on their hands”."


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Jan 29, 2024
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Although I do not at all appreciate the snarky tone of your comment, I thank you for making me clarify what I had written in relation to the contravention of Article II of the Genocide Convention.

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There is no genocide. There must come a point such an abuse of language to further political fanaticism sends its users morally and mentally insane, a point George Orwell made in 1984.

The UNWRA is a repulsively evil organization that should be shut down completely. UN Watch reported that they celebrated obscenely on October 7th, laughing at the brutal rapes and the murders of infants.


The money does not even go to the betterment of the Palestinians, but into the bank accounts of Hamas leaders to fund their luxury lifestyles abroad, and to create the subterranean city under Gaza, where ordinary people were not permitted to shelter, because their corpses were more useful as camera fodder.

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