Shared to FB X GETTR. I wish people would take onboard the health effects of the ongoing geomagnetic shift. It isn't always ochams razor. Yes the man made electro smog isn't good but not many are looking further than the end of their nose.

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There are a few countries in Europe - specifically France and Russia - which have taken active steps to minimize radiation exposure and have imposed bans on wireless datacom routers (Wi-fi) in kindergartens and elementary schools - > https://www.saferscreentime.org/1073-2/

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The telecommjnications companies have made it impossible to get hardline service. I had it for 25years the "suspended " my service fir 10months to go take care of a person with cancer. They refuse new service or past service via hardline, only radiowaves.

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Best I can in my limited environment is share to the _*Minds* platform_ . [done]

Cherish is the new love, be well.

May God nod to ward thee & thine!

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