Jan 23, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

When Biden as VP visited Milwaukee Kopp’s Custard serving some cones, Biden asked the manager how the administration could help Kopp’s. The manager replied “lower taxes would nice” to which Biden, looking away, replied “what an asshole”. The footage used to be on YouTube.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

I think the WEF crowd is replacing their agents that are failing. Like in the UK, and NZ they bypass the electorate. Trudeau will be replaced next. Biden is being set up by the CIA to be taken down and replaced with another of their agents.

Azra have you seen this. Looks pretty big: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7o9CYlKtM2Y1/?list=notifications&randomize=false

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