Jun 24Liked by Azra Dale

Europeans have been neutered; they may bitch and moan, but they will never throw off the yoke on their necks.

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So many points here.

That the Israeli/Palestine situation makes a mockery of the whole diversity and CRT agenda that the same crowd is pushing.

And the Nationalism is equated with intolerance; until it's Israel doing it.

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"Those who dominate tend to fear existentially: Either they keep dominating, or they lose all."

Another thought to ponder as it points to the truth of the situation and why there's an accelerated feeling of desperation coming from those who would be rulers.

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'If you think of information manipulation as a virus, instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold … it is much better to vaccinate so that the body is inoculated”

What do you think of the Italian prime minister?

Is she a protogee of Von der Leyen?

Very good Azra.

Fancy these ideas available for viewing in the 70s. Too bad that I was busy with boyfriends and career.

Now that I am with the time to wake up, the younger generation has no interest in my awakenings.

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