The West need to see and know this history as they're no taught real history of any country let alone the one of Palestine or the Middle East.

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I couldn't agree more Jazmin. I needed to know this myself which is why I've posted it for future reference.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

Thank you SO much for filling in the blanks. The British crown is and always has been a corrupt, evil den of thieves and murderers.

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Thank you for taking the time to watch this important background information. The targeted genocide must end so there may be peace in Palestine. 🙏

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

I live in America and was educated by the American indoctrination camps called “schools” and “universities” that made sure not to teach truth or teach us to even question the spoon-fed narrative. My husband and I “woke up” a few years ago re: the corrupt, evil “governments” of the world. Thank you for providing historical context that we didn’t know how to find. It’s literally an answer to prayer…I’d been praying for help to understand how Biblical Palestine gave way to the state of Israel. To be clear, I’m on the side of Jesus Christ, truth, and LIFE…the life of all rather than a “side” that the globalist demons are manipulating people to choose between so that none who pick are choosing life which the Lord commands us to choose. Thank you, again, and please keep up the good work of helping to shine light on the darkness. May all hearts be turned to Christ Jesus and away from the lies of this dead and dying world.

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Thank you for your very kind, informed comments. In my continuing quest to understand what has created the horrors of the heart-wrenching catastrophe, Al-Nakba of today and illuminate what has been hidden, I am about to post another documentary which provides a bit more information about the Zionists and how they came to settle in Palestine thanks to the British in particular.

Blessings to you and your family. 🙏

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Azra Dale

I watched this the other day, Azra. Another eyeopener. I'd also recommend the DW one too that pops up which compares the region with South Africa's apartheit.

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Thank you for reminding me of the DW video which I had noticed when I watched this series. With my snail speed internet it took the better part of a day to download and then upload the four videos, as ridiculous as that sounds. I get really frustrated with it but then remember to step back and breath as I count my blessings that I'm out of the rat race.

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