Contrary to the state funded "fact checkers" and other spokespeople, evidence supports the existence of U.S. bio-laboratories in Ukraine and elsewhere.
Very, very good post. Many of the best writers on SubStack begin to assume the responsibilities the propagandised MSM simply ignores. This is why some have dubbed SS the new NY Times. Have you seen Joe Rogan interview with BEST, who started SubStack?
Its insane what mainstream media gets away with it makes you wonder when you have a cia director running around the world as diplomat in foreign relations without any overhead making back door deals with out anyone there to record what goes on in these meetings and now we have all these wars we funding and supply weapons to. The cia has fabricated every single conflict in the 80 years. They created the war on drugs narco dictators mexican cartels. Its funny you look at this nazi plan on how to take over northamerica and its exactly this using china and mexico drug trade and usng the drug war as a sofisticated black mail network that sums up the current problems in washington dc today. The crux of power in the united states is centered around the council on foreign relations and university secret societies like yales skull.and bones. Joe biden and 60% of his administration are members in the cfr as well as having google meta black rock lockhead martin amazon goldman saches boeing abc fox msnbc cbs cnn media networks. Previous members like henry kissinger allen dulles george bush bill clinton hillary clinton jeffery epstein barrack obama. They were created by same people who drafted federal reserve banking system as well as the cia with former president and cia director allen dulles. They created a no growth economy where they outaorce toslave labor and use tax money throug government contracts and subsides to pump their stocks thats why you have a booming stock market when the economy is collapsing. The 2008 maddof crash was a conplete an utter joke and gave these monopolies bail outs after they all pulled out of the market and bought up a bigger chunk of the stock market cheap and then they got their money back because it was all a scam to wash black market money and madoff was basically the sacrificial bull in this occult ritual to control the money market
Very, very good post. Many of the best writers on SubStack begin to assume the responsibilities the propagandised MSM simply ignores. This is why some have dubbed SS the new NY Times. Have you seen Joe Rogan interview with BEST, who started SubStack?
Thank you so much KW. No, I haven't seen Joe Rogan's interview with Best. I will take a look.
Your post has been very useful, thank you.
Thank you for your comment Rajesh.
Saved to my "Evil_Biology" directory.
Well I can't really "like" an article that makes me sick to read. But it's much appreciated.
I will reccommend this one to friends.
Thank you for your comment Bongoben.
I understand your sentiment and often experience a similar reaction when I read other people's work about corruption, lies and heinous war crimes.
Its insane what mainstream media gets away with it makes you wonder when you have a cia director running around the world as diplomat in foreign relations without any overhead making back door deals with out anyone there to record what goes on in these meetings and now we have all these wars we funding and supply weapons to. The cia has fabricated every single conflict in the 80 years. They created the war on drugs narco dictators mexican cartels. Its funny you look at this nazi plan on how to take over northamerica and its exactly this using china and mexico drug trade and usng the drug war as a sofisticated black mail network that sums up the current problems in washington dc today. The crux of power in the united states is centered around the council on foreign relations and university secret societies like yales skull.and bones. Joe biden and 60% of his administration are members in the cfr as well as having google meta black rock lockhead martin amazon goldman saches boeing abc fox msnbc cbs cnn media networks. Previous members like henry kissinger allen dulles george bush bill clinton hillary clinton jeffery epstein barrack obama. They were created by same people who drafted federal reserve banking system as well as the cia with former president and cia director allen dulles. They created a no growth economy where they outaorce toslave labor and use tax money throug government contracts and subsides to pump their stocks thats why you have a booming stock market when the economy is collapsing. The 2008 maddof crash was a conplete an utter joke and gave these monopolies bail outs after they all pulled out of the market and bought up a bigger chunk of the stock market cheap and then they got their money back because it was all a scam to wash black market money and madoff was basically the sacrificial bull in this occult ritual to control the money market