"Why are all those racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs? Because, since April 29, they've all been wearing powerful WIRELESS monitors (called "STRIDESafe") – Mark Crispin Miller
"The horses may be "vaccinated" too—we're looking into it but these new high-tech gadgets (the sort of thing that thrills Bill Gates) are likely the main cause of death as Arthur Firstenberg explains"
In August last year, the article StrideSAFE trial hailed a success published by Racing.com reported on the alleged success of trials undertaken by Australian company StrideMASTER and Kentucky-based Equine Analysis System for their StrideSAFE, a new technology which “uses data captured by a microchip in a horse’s saddlecloth during training and racing to relay information about its movement.”
The article continues as follows:
The data is available immediately and can be compared against a benchmark to identify changes in horses’ stride length and stride frequency, which are often red flags for a more serious, musculoskeletal injury.
In December, StrideMASTER’s David Hawke told Racing.com the technology should be on the radar of racing jurisdictions in Australia.
That opinion appears to have been backed up in the recent US trial, where the StrideSAFE system was used on New York tracks between July 2021 and April 2022.
During that 10 month period, data on 6,458 starts was captured from 2,659 individual horses, although the data was only monitored by authorities and not relayed to trainers.
Of the horses that sustained serious injuries, StrideSAFE predicted more than 90% of those injuries in advance.
During the period of the trial, 27 horses suffered what was classified as a serious injury or were euthanised following a race - 25 of those horses received a red flag in races preceding the race in which they were injured.
StrideSAFE CEO David Lambert said the successful trial meant the technology could now be used to save horses lives.
“To achieve this level of predictive accuracy in the initial roll out of the product is very exciting and there is further refinement to be made as we accumulate more data,” Lambert said.
“We have already identified from the trial data that all the injuries and fatalities within the red-flagged group (25 horses) were in the top half of the injury risk index for the red flagged horses.
“With further analysis we will be able to reduce the number of red flags without impacting the accuracy of the system and thereby reduce the number of horses that require clinical follow up by up to 50%.
“It’s also important to note that within the red flag group there are horses with soundness issues. These soundness issues may or may not lead to injury, so arming trainers with this information enables them to monitor the higher risk horses more closely.”
Hawke said it was rewarding to see the technology adopted in the USA and he hopes the results of the trial prompt other international racing jurisdictions to consider its application.
“When we set out on this path three years ago, the objective was to develop a practical screening tool that could identify horses at increased risk of injury in time for us to intervene,” Hawke said.
“We are pleased to say that is now a reality.
“And because of the cost-effective, non-invasive nature of the system, every horse in every race can be easily monitored, making screening of the entire participant horse population viable.”
In the video below, “StrideMASTER co-founder and owner David Hawke presents the system to the General Assembly of the European & Mediterranean Horseracing Federation in Warsaw, Poland in 2023. The audience was made up of the heads of all the European racing jurisdictions.”
I don’t know about you but it did not sound to me as if the StrideSAFE gadgets underwent what should have been proper and thorough clinical trials.
In the following 1:16min video, “horse trainer Dale Romans speaks to Horse Racing Nation's Ron Flatter on his daily podcast (June 2, 2023) about the [alleged] success and necessity of StrideSAFE technology to predict and prevent catastrophic breakdowns / equine fatalities. www.strideSAFEusa.com”
Local television station WHAS11 provided a brief overview of the “completely unacceptable” horse deaths at Churchill Downs, 3 May 2023.
On the 2nd of June NBC News discussed the suspension of races at Churchill Downs “to "examine safety measures" after the deaths of a dozen horses in the last month. The suspension will last roughly one month long. NBC's Jesse Kirsch reports.”
Please keep the foregoing in mind as you read this important article by Arthur Firstenberg as reposted by Mark Crispin Miller.
Why are all those racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs? Because, since April 29, they've all been wearing powerful WIRELESS monitors (called "STRIDESafe")
The horses may be "vaccinated," too—we're looking into it—but these new high-tech gadgets (the sort of thing that thrills Bill Gates) are likely the main cause of death, as Arthur Firstenberg explains
By Mark Crispin Miller • 10 June 2023
Horse named Lost in Limbo dies at Churchill Downs
by Arthur Firstenberg • June 8, 2023
Racehorses are among the most finely tuned, exquisitely sensitive creatures on earth. So what happens when you give them all cell phones to wear during a race? They start dropping like… well, horses.
That is exactly what started happening this spring at Churchill Downs in Louisville, home of the world-famous Kentucky Derby. Churchill Downs hosts three “meets” every year during which there are horse races four to five days a week — a spring meet lasting all of May and June; a September meet; and a fall meet throughout November. The spring meet this year at the Downs began on April 29 and was to continue until July 3. And beginning on April 29, and in every race on every day thereafter, every horse was fitted with a device they had never worn before. It is a wireless device, shaped like an iPhone, that fits into the cloth underneath the saddle on the horse’s back. Horses also began wearing these devices this spring during morning workouts.
This STRIDESafe device monitors the horse’s movements 2,400 times per second throughout the race, sending 2,400 pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation every second through the body of the horse. It also contains a GPS component that communicates with global positioning satellites. It also communicates with the RFID chip implanted in the left side of every horse’s neck, ensuring that the chip also emits radiation throughout the race. And because every racehorse wears horseshoes made of aluminum, which is one of the best conductors, the frequencies that are conducted from both the STRIDESafe device and the RFID chip throughout the horse’s body are absorbed and reradiated by its four shoes. Each horse, then, carries not one but six continuously radiating antennas throughout each race at Churchill Downs. So with 14 horses normally competing in each race, there are 84 antennas among animals in close proximity to one another running around the track.
And on April 29, 2023, horses racing at Churchill Downs began to die during races or suffer such severe injuries during races that they were euthanized. So many horses have died this spring that on June 2 it was announced that the spring meet at the Downs would be suspended as of June 10. Officials at Churchill Downs are panicked because horses racing there have died in much larger numbers this spring than ever before. In 2022, nationwide, about 1.25 deaths occurred for every 1,000 horses starting at the gate. But since April 29, 2023, 12 deaths have occurred among just 1,600 starts at Churchill Downs, a sudden and unprecedented 8-fold increase in racehorse mortality.
Officials have carefully inspected the track and every part of the racing grounds and have found no change in any part of it from previous meets, and no reason for horses to be more prone to injury or collapse. But they have the same blind spot as the rest of society: they treat wireless devices, and the radiation they emit, as if they do not exist.
The horse named Parents Pride simply collapsed and died for no apparent reason during a race on April 29. No drugs were found in her system, and no poisons. She was running normally before the race. No abnormalities were found in her heart, brain or lungs.
Code of Kings “flipped” and broke his neck in the paddock just prior to a race and was euthanized, also on April 29. The paddock, also called the parade ring, is where horses are paraded before a race so the racegoers can get a good look at them.
Take Charge Briana suffered catastrophic damage to her right foreleg during a race on May 2 and was euthanized.
Chasing Artie completed his race on May 2 and then collapsed and died on his way to the unsaddling area, for no apparent reason.
Chloe’s Dream suffered a “catastrophic injury” to his right knee during a race on Derby Day, May 6, and was euthanized.
Freezing Point fractured his left forelimb during a race on Derby Day, May 6, and was euthanized. His jockey said that he was not bumped during the race and that the track was in good condition.
Bosque Redondo finished his race on May 13 but was taken away in a horse ambulance and was euthanized due to unspecified injuries.
Rio Moon was at the finish line of a race on May 14 when he suffered a “catastrophic injury” to his left foreleg and then was euthanized.
Swanson Lake finished his race on May 20 but was immediately taken to a veterinarian where he was euthanized because of a “significant injury” to his left hind leg.
Lost in Limbo, the horse pictured at the top of this newsletter, was removed from the track near the finish of a race on May 26. He had crashed nose-first on the track and lay heaving in the dirt. He was so jittery even before the race that he threw his jockey before it started and bolted. After the race a veterinarian found a “significant injury” to his left front leg and he was euthanized.
Kimberley Dream ruptured a ligament in her left front leg during a race on May 27 and was euthanized.
And two days before the spring meet began, while training on the racetrack on April 27, Wild on Ice broke his left hind leg and was euthanized.
We have known for decades that horses’ lives are shattered by radio waves. Hearings were held in Christchurch, New Zealand, and racehorse trainer Penny Hargreaves spoke out in an interview published in 1998. An FM radio tower in Ouruhia had had such devastating effects on her 90 horses that she was forced to relocate them to a different part of Canterbury. All her horses were affected, some more than others, and two died.
“They were very nervous and jumpy,” she said. “They all seemed to have sore feet. Horses who had travelled by trailer for years were losing balance while travelling. We have several hot spots around our yard where the horses become very volatile and hurt themselves and us.
“Our very valuable colt had serious health problems and walked as if his feet hurt. He could not bear to be shod. We had many vets look at him to try and solve his problems, but without any satisfactory answers. We finally turned him out in a paddock which has a large hay barn and trees between him and the tower. Within a month he had no problems at all. Back in his old yard, the problem returned.
“The blacksmith gave evidence at our hearing on the effect of the radio waves on our horses’ feet. The aluminum conducts electricity and their feet had changed shape, had huge cracks where the nails went and were very sensitive inside.
“We had weekly problems with infections we have never had before, our vet bills were horrendous.”
Nervous and jumpy racehorses with sore feet and lack of coordination. Exactly what has been happening at Churchill Downs during the spring meet this year.
When I learned what was happening at Churchill Downs this spring I sent an email to Dr. Jennifer Durenberger, suggesting to her that the STRIDESafe devices, which have been deployed at Churchill Downs for the safety of the horses, are instead killing them. She has not responded. Dr. Durenberger, a veterinarian, is the Director of Equine Safety & Welfare at the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA). She has been leading a review of the records of the horses that died.
If you are a veterinarian or have experience with horses and would like to help, please send me an email to arthur@cellphonetaskforce.org. This is an opportunity, if we can get Churchill Downs, HISA, and the owners of the racehorses that run in the Kentucky Derby to acknowledge what is happening and get rid of these new wireless devices — an opportunity to educate the rest of the world as well and catalyze a change of direction for us all.
Arthur Firstenberg
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Caretaker, ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth)
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
June 8, 2023https://cellphonetaskforce.org/racehorses-at-churchill-downs/
Horse racing is brutal enough as it is without these highly sensitive beautiful beings being subjected to intense electromagnetic manipulation via the StrideSAFE gadgets which I see as being akin to electroshock treatments. That race horses are shod with aluminium horseshoes makes it that much worse.
I certainly hope that veterinarian, Dr. Durenberger and others from the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA) along with trainers and owners of race horses discuss the situation with Arthur Firstenberg and truly listen to what he has to say so that the abuse and deaths of these majestic equines ends.
Wonder why the horse owners are tolerating this. It's not as if they would not be talking with each other.
It's our turn next, if the architects of the Internet of Bodies get their way. It's known in the trade as dual use technology, to monitor, cure and kill at will. Keep your sleeves rolled down and your pecker up. Otherwise you might have a nasty accident.