"We Are Headed for World War" – Former IDF Soldier Haim Bresheeth-Zabner
"How the Israel Defense Forces made a nation – and how they are headed for its destruction"
I found Katie Helper and Aaron Maté’s interview with former IDF soldier, Haim Bresheeth-Zabner very interesting.
This excerpt from Haim Bresheeth’s website provides some of his background information:
Professor Haim Bresheeth is a filmmaker, photographer and a film studies scholar, retired from the University of East London, where he worked since early 2002. He now teaches at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
His books include the best-selling Introduction to the Holocaust (with Stuart Hood, 2 reprints since 1997), the first version was titled Holocaust for Beginners (1993) and was also reprinted a number of times; This title was also published in Turkish, Croatian and Japanese translations, and is being translated into other languages.
His edited volumes include The Gulf War and the New World Order, (with Nira Yuval-Davis) published in 1992 by Zed Books, Cinema and Memory: Dangerous Liaisons, Co-edited with Sand, S and Zimmerman, M, Zalman Shazar Centre, Jerusalem (Hebrew) 2004, and a co-edited volume with Haifa Hammami The Conflict and Contemporary Visual Culture in Palestine & Israel, special double-issue of Third Text on Palestinian and Israeli Art, Literature, Architecture and Cinema.
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Katie and Aaron included the following description for their interview with Haim on their Useful Idiots Substack:
“They want world war.”
This is the conclusion, after fighting in the IDF, after watching Israeli aggression expand for decades, and after watching the occupation and destruction of Gaza, of Professor Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Haim’s latest book, An Army Like No Other, shows how the state of Israel has been formed out of its wars.
So after last week’s politically-focused interview with Norman Finkelstein, we’re now running a military analysis with our guest Haim, who fought for Israel in the 1967 War and has seen first-hand how the army is embedded in all aspects of Israeli daily life and identity.
He begins with the notion that what is happening in Gaza could be called a war:
“Israel is not fighting against any army at the moment,” he explains. “They're not able to train an army that can fight guerrillas.” And the reason why is a centuries old truth of war. “Those guerrillas in Gaza, in the West Bank, the people of Hezbollah, and other organizations are all fighting for their home. They are fighting to defend their right to live where they are. And they will fight over it until they're killed or they're winning.” The Israelis, on the other hand, “are fighting for real estate.”
And the US, in it’s long-term plan to weaken Russia and China, is more than happy to have Israel play it’s local part in this. “It is the West,” says Haim, “that is doing this genocide, and Israel is the tool.”
Haim goes on to explain a history of the conflict in the Middle East, how it has expanded, when it will reach the inevitable breaking point, and the only way Israel can be stopped.
“I don't think that anyone can actually stand in the way of this unless BRIC came together and said, ‘We will destroy you if you start this war. You want a deterrent? This is the deterrent.’ Now, the Russians more or less said this. And if you follow the press, Biden thinks that they are bluffing. Well, that's not a joke.”
Iran also gave a similar warning, he says. “What the Iranians have done is told Israel, ‘Please, please, please don't fight us. We don't want to fight you. We don't want to kill people in Israel. We can do that. Just give it up, stop the genocide, and we promise we won't touch you.’”
But if those warnings continue to be ignored? Haim asks: “Who is going to stop it? I don’t know.”
Subscribe for the full interview with Haim Bresheeth-Zabner on the Israeli occupation policy that is worse than the Nazis, an analysis of who in the West is really in charge, and a dark conclusion from this genocide: “Life is [now] impossible in Gaza.”
You should hopefully be able to watch the full 1:21:58 interview linked below which I highly recommend.
If you don’t already, please consider subscribing to Katie and Aaron’s Useful Idiots Substack where they posted the full length interview.
Call me a wimp and it would be totally true. I absolutely avoid reading, listening and watching any news from these atrocities committed by Israel with FULL SUPPORT of my country, United Kingdom. I am more than disgusted. I am distraught. I am homeless in the world.
I am ashamed to call myself a Brit while our nation is represented by weak willed wankers who have nothing better to say than "Israel has the right to defend itself."
That is like saying murderers have the right to defend themselves. Arsonists have the right to defend themselves. Extortion racketeers have the right to defend themselves.
All this is being done to get the world into such a state of hysteria that we will find ourselves screaming from the rafters for an end to Israel...... AND THAT is precisely what is planned.
Please read this - I predicted this more than a decade ago and have been writing it up in different forms all this time. I don't know how to express it more plainly that with this: