Analysis by The Duran with Alexander Mercouris who has been fairly accurate in his predictions thus far.
I do appreciate this one.
Someone was certainly able to organise Saturday’s #RejoinEU march in London fairly quickly, banners, stage and all with psycho EU dictators like this old creep speaking. Was it a hat tip to the deep state’s remainer Starmer?
I look forward to the day that the UK will rejoin the EU.
Brexit has proved a disaster for Britain and for Europe !
Let’s shape a vision of a common future… starting today ! #RejoinEU
🇬🇧 🇪🇺
@guyverhofstadt I bet you’d love us back UK was a heaffing great big cash cow for you guys. EU fanatics with dodgy agenda blame current challenges on Brexit most normal ppl see v clearly what’s going on. Why are you so scared of UK governing itself, leave us be it’s getting creepy.
@guyverhofstadt Jog on Guy… We know what you think about the result of our democratic voting.
Segregating Britain and Europe like more pro EU 🔔🔚’s…
🇬🇧… ❌🇪🇺
When life imitates art, today at the #RejoinEU march. A less "diverse" group of white, well-educated, well-off, privileged, spoiled-brat liberal elites you will struggle to find! 👶🇪🇺
@MartinDaubney I voted Remain.
But after a few days of annoyance, accepted the result and have moved on.
As the years have passed, I have become embarrassed with the EU and its technocrats, and am now happy about and support Brexit.
End of.
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Anyone who believes that the political classes are actually in charge is a shilling short of a quid.
Maybe Guy has a point. You might need to get Russia to join too though.